I am a special education teacher with an undergraduate degree in psychology and a Master’s in Education in Special Education. I came into teaching as a wannabe researcher and hope to pursue a Ph.D. in the future to help improve education through data-driven methods.
I’m also a big tech nerd, especially when it comes to Apple products and AI. I’m currently considered a power user of ChatGPT. I use it to:
• Track progress on each of my students
• Write IEPs and process METs
• Generate and grade worksheets
• Create progress reports on IEP goals
• Break down challenging math topics into foundational steps
• Develop quiz questions for platforms like Quizizz, Kahoot, and Blooket
I even joke that ChatGPT has become my new “go-to assistant,” replacing Siri in my daily workflow. Recently, I reached out to OpenAI support expressing my interest in sharing feedback about my experiences and discussing the feasibility of more affordable Pro-level pricing for educators. They suggested I share my journey and best practices here on the forums.
Before I dive in and start posting a lot of content, could anyone point me to the best forum category or thread for connecting with other educators who are also using ChatGPT in their classrooms? I’d love to exchange ideas and insights with fellow teacher-innovators.