I forgot to log out of ChatGPT on the company laptop, which I handed over to them on the evening of January 10th, a few days before my last day. I would appreciate it if you could help me track the device access history for my ChatGPT account.
I bought a new personal laptop on January 13th and changed my password the same day. However, I had very important prompts on January 11th and 12th, before logging out of all devices and changing my password.
I suspect my ex-company may have had unauthorized access to my ChatGPT account.
Can anyone help me how to track the unauthorised access to my account?
Then loading ChatGPT will produce a login requiring reauthentication.
There is similar in the API platform site, under profile->security
Your browser in your OS user profile can still have cached data if one understands how to get into it.
This is especially prevalent and problematic when using the API and the playground, as plaintext usage history with all model context is stored in local browser and not remotely.