How to "store" assistants in

Is possible to store an ASSISTANT in openai ui assistant builder after creating it using code ?

I’ll try to explain myself better.

I would like to use some code to create ASSISTANTS like this:

assistant = client.beta.assistants.create(
   name="Data visualizer",
   description="You are great at creating beautiful data visualizations. You analyze data present in .csv files, understand trends, and come up with data visualizations relevant to those trends. You also share a brief text summary of the trends observed.",
   tools=[{"type": "code_interpreter"}],

And after creating it, is it possible to see or test it in the ASSISTANT PLAYGROUND?

Yes if you create them programmatically they end up in the same place and you can use them in the playground.

I use the programmatic option to help with adding the function calls which is tedious.


[I have created an Assistant using the opanAI python library. It not showing]


2024-02-17 22:18:10,441 - logs.AppLogger - INFO - Application start
2024-02-17 22:19:01,456 - logs.AppLogger - INFO - Application start
2024-02-17 22:19:02,463 - logs.AppLogger - INFO - Assistant(id=‘asst_ot3aMFemjyH7u7gnLOAzAMh2’, created_at=1708188541, description=None, file_ids=, instructions=‘You are a personal math tutor. When asked a question, write and run Python code to answer the question.’, metadata={}, model=‘gpt-3.5-turbo-0125’, name=‘Assistant from code’, object=‘assistant’, tools=[ToolCodeInterpreter(type=‘code_interpreter’)])
2024-02-17 22:20:27,875 - logs.AppLogger - INFO - Application start
2024-02-17 22:20:28,817 - logs.AppLogger - INFO - Assistant(id=‘asst_YWeeFrbqZ8bUVWTDOjAM9RGK’, created_at=1708188627, description=None, file_ids=, instructions=‘You are a personal math tutor. When asked a question, write and run Python code to answer the question.’, metadata={}, model=‘gpt-3.5-turbo-16k’, name=‘Assistant from code gpt-3.5-turbo-16k’, object=‘assistant’, tools=[ToolCodeInterpreter(type=‘code_interpreter’)])

Check what API key you are using in the code and check that the key is visible in your account.