History Location on "Chat" section of Playground on Mobile

Hi, sorry if this is a dumb/redundant question but I’m having trouble finding the history button on the chat section of the openai api playground on mobile. Unfortunately the history seems to be stored locally so I can’t access my mobiles chat history on a desktop. I seem to remember a button similar to the history button on the desktop website on the mobile version too but it’s gone now or… moved… or something. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated.
I’m using Safari on an iPhone.
Thank you!

Heya! Welcome to the dev forum!

I’m not familiar with the apps, especially Apple, but the history does go away after 30 days too, I think. Best not to save stuff there … or think it’s permanent. I lost a bit of work early on that way.

Hopefully, an Apple user will come along and let you know.

Hope you stick around. We’ve got a wealth of information here…

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Thanks for your reply! Good to know it’s not permanent, I remember reading that somewhere.

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