Hi, I’m kind of new to this API.
What I found…
All kind of openai.beta.something is returned with statusCode 403.
I’ve checked my API key, and renew my API Key, but it doesn’t work.
Hi, I’m kind of new to this API.
What I found…
All kind of openai.beta.something is returned with statusCode 403.
I’ve checked my API key, and renew my API Key, but it doesn’t work.
I’m also integrating with React-native and tested in Android Emulator.
(Sorry for my bad English )
403 - Country, region, or territory not supported Cause: You are accessing the API from an unsupported country, region, or territory.
Solution: Please see this page for more information.
Hi, PaulBellow.
I’m in South Korea. and it worked 2 months ago.
I changed my API key, but it has returned 403.
I’m working on it almost 30 hours… I didn’t find even small clue.
But thanks for your answer.
I’m going to investigate more and I will post when I found the solution.
If you have any idea, please post… I really appreciate.