help!help!help!Issue with Excessive Consumption and Malicious Attacks on OpenAI API Service

Dear OpenAI Technical Support Team,

I’m your customer, and our company has been leveraging the OpenAI API interface to deploy services for some time. However, I regret to inform you that we have encountered a serious problem.

In August 2023, a malicious attack on our service caused our API request quota to quickly reach a threshold, causing all API requests to fail. This incident resulted in $130 being consumed that month. To fix this, we had to readjust our quota to $80.

Until March 2024, our consumption has remained at around $30 on average. However, in April, we were attacked again. This time, however, the threshold we set didn’t work as expected, and malicious API requests continued, causing our usage to significantly exceed the $80 threshold to $33,747. This abnormal consumption is unacceptable to us.

Despite our efforts to limit malicious requests, we were unsuccessful in mitigating losses. Therefore, we ask OpenAI to adjust the value of our account in a timely manner to bring it back to the normal range.

We firmly believe that OpenAI has the expertise to solve such problems, and we hope that you can solve our dilemma in a timely manner. Please let us know if we can provide any additional information.

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

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Welcome to the community forums!

Unfortunately, we’re not the tech support team :grimacing:

The only thing we can do for you is to

  1. tell you to properly secure your keys and infrastructure
  2. tell you to go to to talk to OpenAI.

Good luck!

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