Green ChatGPT icon was better

Am I the only one who thinks that when ChatGPT was green it looked better? I feel like overall ChatGPT looked kinda better at the beginning than one. Is it just me or does anyone else think that?

I don’t think so. It is simple and functional, and what matters for me.

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I would debate on the “functional” part since, while it does work, it can’t really follow simple instructions…

Why not green all over?

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Is this a plugin or something?

The browser extension is TamperMonkey.

It is applying new CSS (style sheet) I’ve written along with a few scripts. The green icon of old and free would not be my choice, but is easily implemented within the understood CSS to show the original color value on a similar-looking element.

In ChatGPT Plus, you could make a green icon for a GPT, and then appropriately, using a GPT you only get an AI model that is also offered for free. The image would still be cropped into a border-radius circle in the UI though.

(If OpenAI wants ChatGPT to look like a bubbly screenshot of a tween’s texting for their $1B revenue, who am I to decide to make it more palatable as a productivity application by releasing my work?)