Gpt-4-turbo-preview isn't available?

Hi, I’m trying to get access to the “gpt-4-turbo-preview” model on the Playground and can’t find it? I know it used to be available at least. I have money in the account and still isn’t showing. Please provide a resolution, thankyou.

Welcome to the Forum!

Do you see any other gpt-4 models in the playground such as gpt-4o, gpt-4o-mini, or the original gpt-4?

What Tier are you in at the moment?


For the record, I can see it, but I’m in a fairly high tier.


You get access to GPT-4-turbo at Tier 1…


If you were previously in the “Free Tier” and have just recently added funds to your account, there could be a minor lag in the upgrade to Tier 1, which could explain the issue.


Still, you might need to check your tier. In the case of a free tier, access to GPT-4-turbo might not be displayed.

This could happen if you accidentally logged into a different account than the one you usually use.

The image shows a user interface for selecting different versions of GPT-3.5 turbo models within the Chat section of OpenAI's Playground. (Captioned by AI)

One of the tricky tricks on the way to deprecation and shutoff that OpenAI does is shut off the model for those that have not used it before.

gpt-4-0314, for example, is talented yet denied to new users among several others.

The listing immediately above is that of “free tier”, though. What you’d see also if prepayment of credits has not increased the tier or unlocked GPT4 models.