GPT-3 Powered New Year’s Greetings Generator: Personalized Emails from Excel List for 2023 (in any Language, and in a Business or a Casual tone)
This Python code generates personalized New Year’s greetings emails for 2023. The emails are generated based on data read from an Excel file, which includes the names of the recipients, things to mention in the email, the language to be used, and the tone of the email. The code uses the OpenAI text-davinci-003 engine to generate the emails. It reads the data from the file list.xlsx and writes the generated emails to the file list_reply.xlsx.
The source code and Excel file are available on our GitHub page here:
GitHub: Generate personalized New Year’s greetings emails for 2023 with this Python code using OpenAI GPT-3 API. Input data from Excel file allows for multiple recipient generation and language/tone customization. Output written to Excel file for easy reference (
The code first adds a column called email_message to the dataframe created from the input Excel file. It then iterates through each row in the dataframe, using the data in each row to generate a personalized email message for the recipient. The code also generates a title for the email, which is written in the language specified in the input data. Finally, the code updates the dataframe with the generated emails and titles, and writes the updated dataframe to the output Excel file.
To use this code:
To use this code, you will need to have the following packages installed:
You will also need to obtain an API key for the OpenAI GPT-3 API and replace “YOUR_API_KEY” in the code with your actual API key.
To run the code, simply execute it using a Python interpreter. The generated emails and titles will be written to the output Excel file, list_reply.xlsx.
Note that the code uses the temperature parameter in the OpenAI API to control the randomness of the generated text. A higher temperature will result in more varied and possibly more creative output, while a lower temperature will produce more predictable and repetitive text. You can adjust the temperature to your liking by changing the value of the temperature parameter in the code.
The Excel Files:
The input Excel file, list.xlsx, should contain the following columns:
name: the name of the recipient of the email
things_to_mention: things to mention in the email
language: the language to be used in the email and email title
tone: the tone to be used in the email
The output Excel file, list_reply.xlsx, will contain the following columns:
name: the name of the recipient of the email
things_to_mention: things to mention in the email
language: the language to be used in the email and email title
tone: the tone to be used in the email
email_message: the generated email message
email_title: the generated email title
The code is designed to handle multiple rows of input data, so you can use it to generate personalized emails for multiple recipients at once. Simply add the data for additional recipients to the input Excel file and run the code again to generate more emails.
Note about personalizing the Emails:
It is recommended to include as much detail as possible in the input data to make the generated emails more personalized. For example, you can include specific things to mention in the email, such as the recipient’s achievements or milestones in the past year, to make the email more relevant and meaningful.
You can also use the language and tone columns in the input data to control the language and tone of the generated emails. For example, you can specify a formal language and tone for business partners, and a more casual language and tone for friends.
The OpenAI GPT-3 API
The code uses the OpenAI GPT-3 API to generate the email messages and titles, which is a state-of-the-art language generation model. This allows the code to produce high-quality, coherent, and personalized emails. However, as with any machine learning model, the quality of the output may vary and may require some manual editing or fine-tuning.
I hope this description helps you understand the project and how to use the code. Let me know if you have any questions or need further clarification.