GPT-3, DALL-E, and our Multimodal Future [YouTube Video Series]

How long before AI models are creating videos about what the future might hold for AI?


Hopefully not long :sob:


Today’s video is about writer’s block! How will AI help us stay productive?

Glad you’re posting these. I’m finding them really useful in helping think through the implications of integrating GPT-3 into the writing process.

No two ways about it, writer’s block sucks. I think the key to overcoming it is understanding why it happens in the first place, and somewhat counterintuitively respecting it. Creative writing involves establishing a partnership in one’s mind between the conscious, critical mind and the idea-generating subconscious. The subconscious bristles when it starts feeling pushed around, denigrated, or held to an externally mandated deadline. In these instances it does the only thing it actually has the power to do–it clams up. The subconscious finds the ego, with its expectations and demands and desire for acclaim, unseemly.

I’ve counseled many writers through writer’s block. The first step is to resist beating yourself up. This only makes it worse. Then, I’ve told writers I’ve worked with to just sit with a blank page for 20 minutes and if a sentence comes, great, if not, that’s okay too. The key is to get up after those 20 minutes and not consider it a waste of time or a failure. Then repeat that process every day, and sooner or later the writing will appear.

I personally wouldn’t look to an algorithmic solution to solve a psychological challenge. And I don’t expect those challenges to ever go away. I just assume at this point they’re part of the deal, and I respect what writer’s block is trying to tell me. What’s more intriguing to me is doing things with GPT-3 that have never been done before.

Thank you for sharing your insights. You’re right - I did not address the psychological aspects to this stuff at all which is the larger issue going on here.

However, I guess I don’t even mean writer’s block necessarily in the video, writer’s block is this deep hopeless/burned out stage of the process. I could have done a better job explaining it but what I’m saying is - I found that GPT-3 is really handy whenever you’re stuck, you can just pull it out and keep hitting generate, and it might come up with something to help you out in that moment as a writer. So, I guess I’m saying that it has the potential to pull you out of tight corners, keep your flow going, and perhaps even avoid the state of writer’s block altogether.

Hello everyone,

yesterday and today’s videos all deal with Multimodal AI and making money, how it could impact the success of an artist:

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Today’s video talks about how Multimodal models like DALL-E could affect society in the near future.


Today’s video is on, “Silicon Hollywood” - this idea I have about movies made entirely with multimodal AI:

it’s a really important video I hope you love!


Today’s video is on the ethics of multimodal AI creativity. What sorts of ethical challenges keep you up at night?

Today’s video is really fun, it introduces you to multimodal Bob Ross:

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Today is the last video! Can you believe it’s been a month?

It’s on predicting the characteristics of the next generation of AI creatives. Let me know what you think!

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… And that’s a wrap!

Thank you all for your love, support, and tuning in. I learned a lot from all of you - thank you for your thoughtful comments and discussion. Our work is yet to be done, we have so much more left to do if we want to create even more powerful creative tools in the future.

the last video in the series can be found here:

I uploaded two “b sides” today which didn’t quite make the cut into the official series:

Check out the full series playlist here:

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I strongly concur and I have and idea to build a repository and pull assets allowing scripted python code to sew assets together to make a predetermined animation based on a series of selected inputs. It’s possible with the right data centric repository

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Lots of feel good bakztfuture, really cool idea, also though lets have some more hands on info. I can think of no end of specific details about communicating productively with GPT-3 for example.