Google sign in / cookie bug?

Hi all, I am a paying member of the upgraded version of ChatGPT and have signed in via Google since I started.

Since yesterday’s outage I’ve been encountering a log-in problem. Upon clicking my bookmark for ChatGPT as usual, the tab seemed to be loading forever. Upon clearing all cookies and trying different browsers (even on my phone) I was encountering the same issue. Either 1) I manage to sign in and use the session, and then closing the tab repeats the load forever or 2) Upon selecting the Google account that I want to sign in with, the page seems to grey out and freeze. Currently, I haven’t been able to replicate 1) at all.

Has anyone been encountering a similar issue? Thanks.

(Also, it’s a bit worrying as my membership might recur soon and I can’t even sign in to manage my subscription!)

Edit: Might be a problem with Chrome (used on both my Win11 PC and Android phone) as it’s now working on Firefox. It’s super perplexing! What I’ve done is set ChatGPT as my home on Firefox, it also does the loading forever thing but closing and re-opening Firefox works for me.


Same. And I have tried incognito, firefox, and edge, but can’t log in to GPT 4.0 with any of them. I cleared cache and cookies and no change. I either get “redirecting” with a constantly spinning wheel or the page just won’t load. Also, there is an info logo in the address bar, which, when clicked, says that my connection is not safe. That’s only happening with this site.


I have this same issue as well. After fully authenticating with Google, it stops with a white screen on the URL

With Saml Tracer turned on, it shows a GET command sent to ChatGPT, but nothing replies. Due to this issue, I can’t log in to my account from my computer.

I tried resetting my password using my OpenAI credentials, but no email was ever sent. I assume it’s because I logged in with Google. You should be able to reset your password to log in via OpenAI or Google to get around bugs like this.

This should be identified as an issue on the ChatGPT status page, as people with Google account authentication cannot log in.

I opened a ticket with support to try to get formal help on my paid account. Hope this issue gets resolved soon!


Yes! I have the same issue - I can’t reset my password as I’ve only ever used Google to sign in (I don’t get any e-mail when resetting).

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Having the same issue. How can I log a ticket with support even though I can’t login?


For additional context, I can log into a free GPT account via Google. I can only reproduce this issue on my account with the paid plan.



When this issue hits, when I try to browse or, neither URL will open any page. The loading circle spins with no page opened (it spins infinitely). The only way to browse the ChatGPT page again is to clear your history or open incognito mode. So, there is also some caching issue that breaks the site even further when this login issue is hit. This bug should be escalated.


Same issue here, did someone found a solution to this??

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A problem they’re working on…

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@PaulBellow - I’m still encountering this issue.

Just tried it again in an incognito window and still getting the same problem: stalls at the SetSID page. Trying to log in with GoogleAuth on another site works just fine.

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I’m still having this issue too! Tried brave, chrome and Edge. Keep getting stuck on accounts/SetSID. Not sure if it’s google’s end or openAI.

3rd time this year I have the issue since going premium. Different Laptop, different browser, incognito, standard OAuth account… Clearing cookies does no good.

Claude is starting to look really attractive atm but I can’t log in to cancel my premium :expressionless:

The status for this issue has been updated.
You can subscribe for further updates.
Let’s hope this gets resolved soon!

Same for me on chrome but the google auth works with the desktop app

Hello, same for me. google login fails and trying to reset password says email sent but i do not receive email.
The android app works on my phone
Chatgpt works with google login and firefox
Chatgpt login fails with chrome (even with a new windows account and a new chrome profile)
the problem started yesterday and it sucks !

Same situation for me. The 3.5 version loads and interacts, but I get a very similar website that @CrossPeakZane mentions–whenever I try to log in to 4.0.

same issue here too since yesterday.

Same issue here as well. I’m not able to connect to Web version on any browser by using the Google authentificator since yesterday. That being said, I’m able to login to the desktop app on my Mac.

now it stucks on the url ending in /accounts/SetSID with firefox also.
I want to cancel my 20$/month subsvription immediattely.

Because it is normal to have issues, but it is not normal and not acceptable to have a problem lasting more than 24hours without any communication from chatgpt.

But … the android app has a bug when i try to cancel subscription, saying something like “you can’t cancel the registration because you bought it from another platform”…
the other platform is my computer where i have no access to chatgpt. so how to do now ???
I am very angry with it !



Maybe they’re waiting for people’s membership to recur before fixing it?