Gabble Chat Extension for Joomla! CMS

With pleasure I present to the OpenAI community the extension called Gabble Chat that I developed for CMS Joomla!. I recently published it and it’s still pretty simple. With it, users can instantly exchange text messages with other users directly on the site. With the option to integrate the OpenAI API key to add artificial intelligence in the messaging platform. The AI model used is GPT-3.5-Turbo and can be easily configured.

It is available at:

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Welcome to the community!

Congrats on your project. Joomla is a word I haven’t heard in a few years! Good to see it still kicking around.

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i installed the component in joomla. And created a menu item “chat”. An empty window opens but there is no possibility to start a new chat

What version of Joomla are you using? Gabble chat was developed for Joomla 4. It takes 2 users or more registered in the system to start a chat.
You can publish the Gabble chat module on all pages.
To use GPT you need to go to Gabble Chat settings in Joomla administrator area and enable your OpenAI API Key.

I am using joomla 4 latest version. There are 4 users. The module is published on every page

Please check in global settings on System tab if the Session Handler option is Database or Filesystem. This option must be set to Database to work.

Do you do custom work? I’d like to integrate this where I gather user provided data and write it to the database for extraction. It would be used to gather daily log information, etc.

Can you adapt this so you can include an assistant ID so it can be configured?