From playground to SAAS101

Hi there everyone I try to build SAAS base project using nodejs so future me and anyone can use it as a base project


  • I have this track record where I start things and leave it in the middle so here I post it so this helps me more accountable to this project
  • its can helps other to get started with things like subscription thing or dashboard or anything I came up with
  • anyone can contribute to it and makes this good

Let see where it goes, hope anyone need this and this can help you and if it is please consider Like this post this makes me more serious about my accountability thing

Best Anish
let’s build this time


Still I have to add things by tomorrow or day after tomorrow I am gona add payment


Just update the code new code includes:

  • how much total token used
  • content filters


  • payments and auths with socail accoutn

Wy don’t you use Strapi + MongoDB, will be much faster as you won’t have to code around ORM/DB base REST API + GraphQL is up and running immediately, all you have to do is customize and add custom logic.

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Hey thanks for the suggestions but I go with this route because I want to learn nodejs. but yeh your suggestions seems promising I never used strapi so need figure out that too

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In that case, don’t go near Strapi yet, I repeat… don’t use Strapi until you are done with NodeJS and ORMs.

That sh*t is addictive!


Check their docs and Templates section at
And for GPT-3, use any NodeJS based code in Custom service or controller.


Saas101 is live with ADA

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sure you can I added ADA there just to save my tokens

Hey now I think I won’t ask about this with openai is there is any problem with that I won’t share this outside the this community

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Aahh need to complete this. :persevere::persevere: stuck with some other works.

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Added Google login thing now you can signup with google, UI is not ideal yet. but Now my focused is to build something which works. if anyone interested please contribute to the UI.
and Need any help let me know

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