"Failed to fetch localhost manifest" message, but plugin working fine

Every time I start a new chat, I see this message: “Failed to fetch localhost manifest. Check to ensure your localhost is running and your localhost server has CORS enabled.” Occasionally I’ll also see “Failed to fetch localhost OpenAPI spec.”

This happens right after clicking “New Chat”, when it’s still on the default “GPT-3.5” option, before loading the plugin model. Switching to the plugins model doesn’t cause any more error messages.

I uninstalled and reinstalled the local plugin without any problems, and I can use it just fine - it makes requests and follows the spec, but the error message still shows up for any new chat. Has anyone else seen this?

Yes, I saw it many times since today.

It seems there is a server issue or the devs have their testing hats on.

any idea what’s the issue? tested with different browsers, network seems to read the manifest correctly. but still getting this error

I am having the same issue, I can see the OPTIONS and GET requests working just fine for the manifests.

This may help you all out.

I’m seeing the same issue using the quickstart repo: \https://github.com/openai/plugins-quickstart

I see the GET and OPTIONS request return with a 200 response in my locally running console when I click “Find manifest file”, but the browser UI receives the message:

“Failed to fetch localhost manifest. Check to ensure your localhost is running and your localhost server has CORS enabled.”

Anyone have any luck getting past this? I have tried this using Chromium and Firefox with all browser plugins disabled.

I’ve also tried modifying the repo to allow CORS from all origins:

app = quart_cors.cors(quart.Quart(__name__), allow_origin="*")
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I am also having the same experience. Haven’t been able to find a solution but ill follow up when I do.

I have the same problem. I am using the quick start repository.

I also tried megan1’s code.
It is still not working well.

I was using Safari 16.4.1. I clicked “Disable Local File Restrictions” and “Disable Cross-Origin Restrictions” in the develop menu, but still saw “not allowed to request resource” in the web inspector. I never got it to work in Safari but it works fine in Chrome 113.0.5672.126 on MacOS 12.6.5 (Intel).