Facing Issue: "The requested action requires approval"

Just keep in mind that for me i didnt see any option when clicked the privacy settings at first so i had to reconnect to be able to make the update

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I even went as far as to experiment with temporarily disabling the authorization in my API and removing the authorization requirement from both the instructions and schema to address this issue. Despite this, I continued to receive the same error message:

‘The requested action requires approval.’

Therefore, it appears that the issue is not related to the GPT instructions or the API; rather, it seems to be an anomaly with the core model that operates the GPTs.

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I am not an OpenAI employee, just a forum category moderator with the right to pin topics but I do know that pinned topics tend to get the attention of OpenAI staff and others that will pass along the issue.

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However, our testing revealed that GPT must be authorized according to the settings shown in the image in order to make requests.
We hope that OpenAI can fully rectify this situation.


+1 this has suddenly started happening - I changed nothing.

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Does this work for you?: @ayalgelles

extra words for discourse

It worked for a single call to the actions for me, then it reverted back. I tried it a again and now it’s just saying there is an error with communication to the API being called through the action and I am not even getting an error message now. So, personally I wouldn’t recommend this. I think we all just have to wait until it is resolved.

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I created an action which calls endpoints with different methods. It seems like GET-request are working. POST don’t.

But as you all said, I think we have to wait for the debugger :slight_smile:

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happen to me as well all my API is working fine last night then today the post didn’t work anymore and then the get started to break too, i have very same issue overall and i also noticed that the privacy action is showing less usually it show all the end point that is available in your schema

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Upon reviewing the issue, I’ve found that adjusting the settings on the user side from ‘Ask’ to ‘Always allow’ can act as a temporary workaround for GET requests.
However, I’d like to express my concerns regarding this approach. This method shifts the responsibility onto our users, requiring them to consult and follow manuals to resolve the issue that they perceive as bugs on our end. This approach is not only highly inconvenient but also lacks user-friendliness.

In light of this, I am hopeful that OpenAI will tackle this issue more effectively. A prompt implementation of a solution that spares GPT users from additional effort and restores the system to its previous state as of yesterday would be highly beneficial.


same issue here. All function calling is essentially broken right now.

Tried deleting and recreating the GPT with no luck

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Same here! everything was fine but now its broken.

Even with the Privacy Settings changed to Always Allow.

Privacy Settings changed to Always Allow didn’t work for me very sad

Privacy Settings changed to Always Allow then my first GPT action works, but I have another 2 actions under same domain and these still need approval, very weird…

This still doesn’t work for me, I confirmed that the privacy settings has always allow turned ON but I still get another error

Papr Memory

[debug] Calling HTTP endpoint

[debug] Response received

{ “response_data”: “An error occurred while executing the plugin.” }

@grandell1234 this works when using the GPT and editing the privacy settings however when triggering the action via Edit Action > Test, I get the following error:

  "function_name": "get_page",
  "domain": "solink.atlassian.net",
  "message": "The requested action requires approval",
  "action_id": "g-6e95d0fa9695c07fe86949e89d1ca62222248939"

This worked for one action, but not the other. I’m wondering if the “Always allow” is only working for the first action on a domain.

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I had this issue with my GPT, Choir (choir.chat). It sends a POST request to my server.

It was saying “error talking to” but this has been fixed.

So my action works, but it asks to “confirm” or “deny” every time. Even though I have “always allow” selected in the GPT privacy settings.

I expect this will be fixed soon though. The GPT Store team must be working hard preparing to launch. It’s still extremely early days for the ChatGPT platform.

Thanks :pray:t5: team for fixing this. I have a meeting to demo Choir in 2 hours. So please let GPT actions continue to work and stay stable.

Since the OP has selected the reply by grandell1234 as the solution will be closing this topic.

If you still have the problem please open a new topic with details.