Download links for files created on chatgpt getting removed

Previously, you could ask chatgpt to create a file using code interpreter and it would provide you the link to download the file. However, ever since today it removes the link when using the web version. Chatgpt still thinks it’s providing the link though. Is this a bug or the new normal?


Im encountering similar issues but with creating a simple image. Is this a bug?


Ah yep, my guess is that both of these issues are related to the same bug then. The web version is filtering links to ChatGPTs sandbox environment.
It still works on my ChatGPT app though, although I haven’t updated it today.


Have the same issue. Fed an image, asked to add something. ChatGPT was trying to provide the link, but it was getting redacted.
The best I got from it was a sandbox path (part of the result analysis):


Show the result

Save the resulting image

result_image_path = “/mnt/data/IMG_with_roof_box.png”




/usr/bin/xdg-open: 882: www-browser: not found
/usr/bin/xdg-open: 882: links2: not found
/usr/bin/xdg-open: 882: elinks: not found
/usr/bin/xdg-open: 882: links: not found
/usr/bin/xdg-open: 882: lynx: not found

Could not get the image to be displayed directly, did not get an http link.

GPT tried to load the image directly, then I asked for a link omitting the ‘http’ bit, it provided sandbox:/ path.

same here

But you can donwload using the Android app

Same here. Can’t download the file but the iOS app will let me. Zanyish.

same problem

It was very good functionality and if openai will block links many chat gpt usecases will not be available((

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I can see the links now but once I click on them it gives me an ‘Code interpreter session expired’ error :slightly_frowning_face:

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