Hello there!
Exciting new stuff ahead!!!
I’m wondering about one thing however: Will there be additional charges for me if users operate the GPT I publish on their own?
Many thanks!
Hello there!
Exciting new stuff ahead!!!
I’m wondering about one thing however: Will there be additional charges for me if users operate the GPT I publish on their own?
Many thanks!
I guess the users can only “operate” your published GPT if they already have “plus” membership, so they will have to pay for Plus, not you.
my answer is not conclusive, though.
Yes, that’s my guess also
It is indeed a “guess” as it is not clearly written yet in doc.
A GPT operates in someone’s plus account, so any language model inference charges are borne by OpenAI for operating ChatGPT Plus.
If the GPT has actions and makes calls to your API plugin, then you get the minimal data and hosting requirement of servicing the API request of the action on your domain.
If your API has features powered by AI on demand, then you could be footing the bill yourself for providing AI-enhanced services.
Hello @_j
Crystal clear and make sense, thank you very much
I also have been unable to find any guidance on this in the docs.
So when we look at the pricing page and see the assistants api and e.g.
Retrieval $0.20 / GB / assistant / day (free until 11/17/2023)
I think that is not applicable if you’ve built a GPT using openai gpts/editor and are interacting using chatgpt plus rather than the API
But i would be grateful for clarification
Assistants is you using your API account, with features like “threads” (a poor name for server-side conversation history) and “runs” (shooting off an agent to answer using max conversation history and max document retrieval and lots of document browsing iterations while carrying around that context.) OpenAI providing what you can do better with your own code.
I also have the same question, so following this thread
For now, I just published and shared the link with my sister, to test if I’ll be charged. She does not have a Plus account.
I shared it to multiple people on my end. Now I’m monitoring the usage dashboard
Hi all,
So basically I added a custom GPT link, which was shared publicly, on my website. But users can indeed not use it if they do not have GPT plus… Does anybody have any other experience then this?
Hi and welcome to the Developer Forum!
That would seem to be a reasonable expectation.
No it doesn’t look like you will be charged, but they do require the user to have Plus account to use the GPT, whether or not you use the “Premium” features in creating it, which I think Sam Altman should have been more clear about this, you now run the risk of creating a GPT and promoting it to your audience, only to have OpenAI get new Plus subscribers and no clarity on when or how you will make money from it.
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Would love a way to be able to share these GPTs and foot the bill for use, e.g. on my website. At the moment you can build something really useful really quickly but then it’s boxed-in, you can’t use it as a chatbot to direct your clients to the right resources or anything.
I just made a scheduling assistant to find this out when I shared the link with my wife to try it. My guess is this will change when the store opens. My hope is that you can USE a GPT from Free, but to make one you need Plus.
I completely agree. Chat GPT Plus builders build out these gpts only to be roadblocked, cause users need to be Plus members. Not really useful in my opinion. And where is the monetization capabilities for building these GPTs?
To use a Gpt your wife will have to have a Plus membership. Pretty ridiculous
I agree, I find it surprising that Sam Altman’s policy requires all users of GPTs to subscribe to ChatGPT Plus, not just the developers of these bots. This requirement applies regardless of whether the Plus features are utilized in the bots’ creation
Yeah, pretty crazy that I am the only one who wrote about this so far.