Does anyone have an example for generating emails?

My Use Case - GPT-3 writes email for Sales folks by taking basic inputs like Recipient Name & Company, Role, Goal of Email, Tone of Email

I tried playing around with the Playground. But the text was repetitive though I used below settings Temperature - 0.75, Top P - 1, Frequency penalty - 0, Presence penalty - 0, Response Length - 213

I would like to understand how to design the prompt to write better emails.

Here is what I gave as prompt

Outreach email to Microsoft


Dear John,

I have an idea that I can explain in 10 minutes that can get Microsoft its next 100 best customers.

I recently used this idea to help our client Facebook almost triple their monthly run rate.

John, let’s schedule a quick 10-minute call so I can share the idea with you. When works best for you?


Write a cold email pitching my company to Sales Manager at FreshWorks in a friendly tone


Here is what GPT-3 auto completed

Hi [name],

I hope this email finds you well. I have an idea that I can explain in 10 minutes that can get your company its next 100 best customers.

I recently used this idea to help our client Facebook almost triple their monthly run rate.

I’d be happy to share the idea with you over a quick 10-minute call. When do you have time to talk?



Is this the right way to design prompts for emails? Could anyone guide me in the right direction.

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@m-a.schenk Thank you for the welcome :slight_smile:

By better I meant GPT-3 would write the email without repeating what I gave in the prompt.

I tried the below prompt, results were much better this time. Looks like I need to play around a little more to get the hang of it.

Write an email to SDR at AcmeCorp using the following bullet points:

  • video email important for sales
  • more email responses with my tool
  • book meeting with me for demo


I haven’t tried instruct series, I will try it.

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