Delete old finetuned model that I don't need

Hi, I have created a few finetuned models. I would like to delete the older ones that I don’t need so that I can focus on the promising ones. I can’t seem to do so, as there doesn’t seems to be a delete button. Can advise on how I can do that?


Using the OpenAI Python module, you can delete a fine-tuned model with the following code:

from openai import OpenAI
client = OpenAI()

You can use the model name found in Playground after "ft:":slightly_smiling_face:

OK. That works to delete the model, but it still shows up as a record in the finetuning tab. How do I purge that so that I can see only the new models that I am working on. The whole purpose is to have a clean slate where I can see only the viable models without the noise.