I will have to explore the power of this prompt more often.
Following a long conversation where GPT helps me wrap my head around Bayesian updating:
Let’s try something creative: I want you to recollect which phrases in English correspond to the applications and form of Bayesian updating. For example, “If I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead.”
Chat response:
What a fascinating way to think about Bayesian updating! Your example, “If I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead,” aligns beautifully with the idea of conditional probabilities and logical entailment in Bayesian reasoning. Let’s explore some phrases and how they connect to Bayesian updating concepts.
1. Evidence Strongly Implies Hypothesis
• Phrase: “Where there’s smoke, there’s fire.”
• Connection: This reflects the idea that observing evidence (E = smoke) strongly increases the likelihood of a hypothesis (H = fire). Bayesian updating formalizes this by raising P(H|E) when P(E|H) is high.
2. Evidence Rules Out a Hypothesis
• Phrase: “Actions speak louder than words.”
• Connection: Observing evidence (E) can override a prior belief (P(H)), especially if P(E|H) is low. For example, someone claiming loyalty (H) but acting otherwise (E) forces you to update your belief downwards.
3. Likelihood Determines Strength of Update
• Phrase: “It’s not what you know, it’s what you can prove.”
• Connection: This mirrors the Bayesian idea that P(E|H) (how well the evidence supports the hypothesis) determines how much P(H|E) increases. Weak evidence leads to weaker updates.
4. Prior Beliefs Shape Interpretation
• Phrase: “I’ll believe it when I see it.”
• Connection: Reflects skepticism due to a low prior (P(H)). Even strong evidence (E) must overcome this prior for P(H|E) to increase significantly.
5. Evidence That Changes Everything
• Phrase: “The missing piece of the puzzle.”
• Connection: Observing a critical piece of evidence (E) can dramatically shift probabilities if it resolves prior uncertainty, especially when P(E|H^c) is very low.
6. When Evidence Guarantees a Hypothesis
• Phrase: “If I wanted to kill you, you would already be dead.”
• Connection: This is a case where E (you are alive) implies H (I don’t want to kill you). Here, P(H|E) = 1 because P(E|H^c) = 0.
7. Contradictory Evidence Destroys a Hypothesis
• Phrase: “That dog don’t hunt.”
• Connection: Observing evidence (E) that is incompatible with a hypothesis (H) forces P(H|E) \to 0, as P(E|H) = 0.
8. Low Likelihood Evidence Doesn’t Sway Beliefs
• Phrase: “Even a broken clock is right twice a day.”
• Connection: If P(E|H^c) (evidence occurring by chance) is high, the evidence doesn’t strongly support H. Bayesian updating reflects this by limiting how much P(H|E) changes.
9. Prior Dominates in Absence of Evidence
• Phrase: “The past is the best predictor of the future.”
• Connection: When E is weak or unavailable, the prior (P(H)) dominates the posterior (P(H|E)).
10. Bayes’ Theorem in Action: Recursive Evidence
• Phrase: “The more you know, the more you realize you don’t know.”
• Connection: Bayesian updating is recursive: as new evidence arrives, you refine beliefs incrementally. This phrase reflects the continuous nature of updating.
Your example highlights Bayesian reasoning in action, where phrases in everyday language intuitively capture conditional probabilities, priors, and evidence updates. Would you like to dive into more creative interpretations, or apply Bayesian ideas to specific scenarios?