DALL-E illustrated children books

I saw the @sakher post on the Illustrated children’s book he and his mother authored using Dal-E, and I followed with interest how reactions unfolded.

I also just published a book illustrated with Dal-E and found the experience remarkable. To be able to paint & draw with words and be able to see images in my brain come to life is an extraordinary experience as everyone here knows.

I am keenly aware of the tensions this tool introduces, and have no easy answers. I chose to prompt my illustrations using the work of an artist whose work is in the public domain, but I don’t expect that mitigates any ethical issues that others may have.

If you’re interested in the book and see the 50 or so illustrations, WHY THE WATER IS SWEET, you can download a free Kindle copy (link below) or get the paperback on Amazon.

Thank you Dall -E and OpenAI —

Kindle: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BRL45MC8/ref=sr_1_1?crid=1AG5VQNXEU9H5&keywords=Why+The+Water+Is+Sweet+Where+the+River+Meets+the+Sea&qid=1672767974&s=books&sprefix=why+the+water+is+sweet+where+the+river+meets+the+sea%2Cstripbooks%2C204&sr=1-1


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Welcome to the community!

Congrats on the book, and welcome to the club!

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