Can anyone tell me how many files(PDF, Doc, spreadsheet etc.) can you load into your custom build chatGPT bot.
It says 10 at a time but can it take more than 10 total.
From the documentation.
You can attach a maximum of 20 files per Assistant, and they can be at most 512 MB each. The size of all the files uploaded by your organization should not exceed 100 GB. You can request an increase in this storage limit using our help center. In addition to the 512 MB file size limit, each file can only contain 2,000,000 tokens. Assistant or Message creation will fail if any attached files exceed the token limit.
I had the same question.
Hey there. Thank you so much Adolfo. I really appreciate the response.
Open Ai says there is a limit of 20 docs per lifetime of a gpt. Does that mean that I can not delete the 20th and upload another instead?