It seems that i’m hitting an upload file limit of 10 when i am customizing my GPT. Is this a hard limit?
Hi and welcome to the Developer Forum!
Yes 10 is the maximum file count.
Can a permission be set to read data stored on other websites, such as Dropbox, to remove this restriction?
Not as part of the assistants system directly, you can implement your own vector db to store unlimited amounts of information and handle the retrievals yourself.
Is that a limit of 10 across all the GPTs you create or per GPT?
Hi @mike3124
Welcome to the community!
The topic is old.
New update: You can upload 20 files per custom GPT.
Yo may visit here:
Thanks so much. Very kind of you.
Yes, the 10-file upload limit when customizing a GPT is currently a hard limit. If you need more files, you may need to adjust the content or combine files to fit within the constraint. But you can execute as many scripts as you want in Delta site… so no constraints there.
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