When I try to add unverified plugins it says “Couldn’t install plugin” at the last step. Any idea what’s causing this?
Could you provide screen grabs of the steps you’re taking? It will help to determine exactly whats going
Chase W. Norton
Make sure that /.well-known/ai-plugin.json
is accessable.
So I don’t use the “install unverified plugin” option?
Is this your own plugin you developed? Have you first registered it with OpenAI via the Develop your own plugin?
Or are you installing another developer’s plugin?
Same issue here for me, when trying to downlod openai plugin for web browsing
Hi @redwan.mimoune! Welcome to the forums
Can you point me to the plugin you’re having trouble installing? Ill check it out and see if its causing issues on my end.
Chase W. Norton
I have plugins but I’m unable to install unverified plugins. Is that a separate permission?
I’ve been getting the same problem and it seems to be a permission issue.
From https://platform.openai.com/docs/plugins/introduction (emphasis mine):
During the alpha, plugin developers will be able to share their plugin with 15 additional users (only other developers can install unverified plugins currently). Overtime we will roll out a way to submit your plugin for review to be exposed to all of ChatGPT’s user base.
While I am excited to have access to plugins early, this is a disappointment I didn’t expect.