Couldn't find plugin ERROR

Hi folks, I have a plugin that is deployed to site

it has all the required things:

  • .well-known/ai-plugin.json
  • legal
  • openapi.yaml
  • logo.png

When I add localhost version to ChatGPT it works, but when I add plugin by domain it constantly shows error: “Couldn’t find plugin” and no any additional data.

What can be the root cause? since localhost works correctly I have not idea what the problem is.

Not used the Plugin ecosystem yet, but the last time I saw a user with this problem it was because they had not deployed the application and the various supporting files correctly.

Many of the 3rd party hosting systems require permissions to be set for the well-known system and a bunch of other stuff I only cursorily glanced at, but that seems to be the main pain point.

Found the error, I should NOT have used “install unverified plugin” option, I should have used “develop own plugin” even when installing plugin from the domain

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Thank you very much for posting your solution, it helps others immensely when they search and find solutions :+1: