Copy-pasting FROM chatgpt on a mac to avoid markdown-style no longer possible

Previously, to avoid the Markdown copy which automatically comes with the chatgpt copy function button, I have resorted to highlighting the text, both my question and the response using the command + C and Command + V on my mac to paste, but as of today, copying in that way is blocked. It was the simplest and most elegant solution to the unwanted markdown styles # * that populate the chatgpt responces, and I don’t want to have to resort to add-ons and copying across multiple formats, which also don’t work as the markdown text is always included. I also don’t want to have to constantly search and find to remove them all. The chatgpt response was formatted in a lovely way with headings and bold and I want to keep it as is. It would be great if that functionality were returned to its working state or if the built-in copy button converted the markdown style before pasting.


Same issue. As has been the case consistently with OAI, extreme changes are made to the user experience without warning or regard to the actual users, and any sense of accessibility. Not to mention, but they also took away the option to quickly generate a new response. On copy/paste, my guess is they’re trying to block scraping possibly. The markdown formatting is pretty horrible for copying notes, and they once again show us that this product is not for us, we pay them for the privilege of using it. Any regard to our needs is secondary to king alt man.

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Same situation here. Using the ‘copy’ option from an answer doesn’t work. Copying the text from the browser doesn’t work. In my case, I deal with a LOT of text and never had this issue until recently. Mine also includes — as well as the ### and ***

Seriously, this is something that would definitely have me canceling the subscription if it’s not fixed soon. This should be something so very simple to eliminate. Like you said, I don’t want to spend the time manually removing the markdowns, nor have to find another service to fix the issue.

Claude, Gemini, and pretty much every other tool do NOT have this issue…