ChatGPT Plus and Usage Limits

Payed for the plus few minutes ago and run already in the limit. And 40 Messages per 3 Days is for $20 a joke in compare to the prices of the API. Well i got the luxury of an frontend, yes… but running the frontend is not that much expensive.

Looks in my eyes just greedy, nothing else. Lucky me, only one month payment wasted and warned for the future to interact with the dark patterns of trick me into a subscription.


You just reduced the usage cap by 96%. This is not how to threat customers. This is like shi**ing in the face of users who may supported you from the beginning. It feels like a downgrade from a Ferarri to a donkey cart. I cancelled my subscription like propably a ton of other people once they realize… I wonder how the investors will like it when 30% of your customers cancel their subscription within a week.

Maybe you should consider capping DallE first as propably 0.2% of the generated images are of any use for humanity


Please take this as my guess, not what I think, but as what someone at OpenAI might be thinking.
“Please use the API only.”
“We can only provide up to 10 messages per day.”
“That includes error messages, of course.”
“And, yes, of course, this message limit includes messages indicating errors in the response.”

Under these conditions, I don’t see how I can expect proper service.
I don’t even think it matters how much money users pay.
100$? 1000$? 10,000$?

I think they want to go completely to a pay-as-you-go system. or not?


Where are people seeing 40/3 days? It still says 40/3 hours for me.

Screenshot 2023-12-08 022038


It seems that if you set your local language to anything else than “en-US”, indeed you have a limit of 40 message / 3 DAYS. Which is just ridiculous.

Fortunately, you can switch back to US locale, and you are back to a limit per 3 hours


Uh… I hope the company does something to encourage people to buy subs, but as for now it’s rather opposite. The most annoying part is working on some bigger project, then chatGPT limit becomes big obstacle. I must repeat everything from scratch to new chat :slight_smile:


I strongly agree. I don;t know what I’m paying for. Even if I add credit to openai they don;t tie together. I now have an interface that doesn’t do anything

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Almost all subscription services have rate limits guys. These limits have been met before on this bumpy road but in a couple weeks, like before, they will be alleviated.

Considering that there’s now a waitlist for ChatGPT Plus makes me think that they greatly underestimated something after the release of GPTs.

This may just be a typo. Which is low-key hilarious.

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You are absolutely right it was 50 they killed it to 40 not to long ago


…just saw this for the first time today: 40 / 3 days. I was almost shocked.

But then, I switched my local setting from “de-DE” to “en-US”, and voila: The display now shows 40 messages/3 hours again.

It seems (at least I hope so) like a translation problem - which is riduculus, given the translation capabilties of ChatGPT.


I’ve flagged this as a typo issue, should get resolved. Please don’t be alarmed, it is only a typo and not and actual new limit.

Hey there! :star2: I totally share your sentiment about the need for a prompt counter. :clock3: It’s crucial for organizing and efficiently planning our work, especially when using ChatGPT. :memo:

I feel your frustration with hitting the limit mid-task. It’s like a roadblock in our flow of creativity and productivity. :stop_sign::weary: I’m with you in hoping that the team takes note of our feedback and introduces a counter feature. :pray::eyes:

Fingers crossed that our collective voice leads to this much-needed improvement. It’d make a huge difference for all of us using ChatGPT for work! :crossed_fingers::rocket: Keep sharing your insights – they’re invaluable! :sparkles:

:+1: #UserFeedbackMatters


Hai perfettamente ragione, ho provveduto a dare disdetta immediata!!

why am i paying to get restrictive access? that is greed beyond greed. i’m trying to create a custom gpt but the system is still to foolish to follow simple instructions. i spend prompts trying to get it to follow instructions only to be told i’ve run out of prompts come back later. meanwhile infinite prompts for free users. seems backwards to me OR it seems like your business model is to trick people with pockets to fund your whatever.

well, just lost a subscription today for the second time. not spending money again for subpar and limited functionality. don’t charge me to QA your fantasy app.


It’s ridiculous, there’s a slight difference between 40 / 3 hours and 40 / 3 days. If I pay a service for 40 / 3h I demand to get that and not 95% less of what I paid! I also don’t know what applies now and can only try it out by using up my 40.

if i set the interface to german it says 40 / 3 Tage (Tage = Days)
If I switch to english it says 40 / 3 hours… what is that?!

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Thanks for again registering your concern here, which should alert the OpenAI core web team about the widespread nature of this mistranslation, which is actually concerning misinformation to many.

It appears that when a recent change was needed in the ChatGPT Plus features dialog, someone erroneously typed “3 days” and that was spread to all translations from English.

The message is incorrect words, not policy.

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Can anyone tell me why I am receiving the message I have reached my usage cap, when I have not used a total of 10 queries within the time frame? I am a plus user

I think that it is also counting any prompts sent on your behalf. I just hit my usage cap while using GPTs to study for an exam. I believe that the prompts given to GPT to create and modify the specific GPT I was working with also counted towards the total.

To be frank, I’ve been pretty dissatisfied with Plus. I pay for a service that:

A. Abruptly chokes just when you’re finally getting it to respond in a way that is useful.
B. Plays nanny unnecessarily and moderates harmless content because it might violate the terms of agreement.
C. Is confidently incorrect just about 100% of the time.
D. Is programmed to lie using anthropomorphizing self-descriptions.
E. Has inconsistent output using the same prompt even when output format and length is specified and using few-shot.

In April, I was thinking we were at the cusp of hard AI. Now I’m just waiting for next shiny toy so I can ditch this subscription.


State of this translation bug Dec 25:

Disfruta de un adelanto de ChatGPT en tu lengua. → Alpha

Con DALL·E y análisis
Limit 40 messages / 3 hours

Avec DALL·E et analyse
Limit 40 messages / 3 hours

It appears the translation has just been backed out of “regional parameters (alpha)”.