ChatGPT disabled for users in Italy

non saprei… ma una cosa è certa, i giochi possono cambiare da un momento all’altro perché stiamo in un momento storico dove tutto va molto veloce :woman_astronaut:

Staremo a vedere :eye:

Yea :joy: you’re right, confuse … I was asking why they don’t allow GPT in Italy?

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Mamma mia, i brividi mi vengono.

Che paese senza speranze.

L’API funziona ancora?

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Si, l’API funzionava quando ho iniziato il topic, anche Bing. Oggi non ho ancora provato ma non credo che verranno toccate dal provvedimento del garante perché non vengono mai citate nel documento.

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@maurizio.chiaro Is this working for you in Italy?

@EricGT thanks for sharing and caring about this cause!

Unfortunately It’s a mediocre app that uses OpenAI’s API. It works, but it doesn’t code for example. Or it doesn’t stay on topic.

As a developer myself I have done plenty of little apps in the last months in the style of chatgpt with their API, that help my day to day job. As everyone here I guess.

Also with Opera browser or any vpn we obviously can access our ChatGPT’s accounts.

My worries are for that part of the population that doesn’t know the workarounds, doesn’t know how to code, and also I’m worried about the direction this country want to take. As you can tell I’m a bit bitter, disappointed by Italy and it’s politicians.

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You are welcome!

I appreciate your collecting and sharing of factual first hand knowledge in real time.

That is fine.

While I am not an attorney, only a programmer, trying to learn whether the Italian Data Protection Authority is flagging other similar websites. The ChatGPT incident on March 20, 2023, is under their purview, which lead to the following (noted earilier)

the Italian SA emphasizes in its order that the lack of whatever age verification mechanism exposes children to receiving responses that are absolutely inappropriate to their age and awareness, even though the service is allegedly addressed to users aged above 13 according to OpenAI’s terms of service.

and thus being specific to ChatGPT.

As programmers we have probably seen our share of messages on open source sites such as GitHub.

If you follow the trail of bread crumbs then you should/might find

Please check my work on finding this. I started with only the first news article a few days ago which lead to it.

So as programmers we need to think about how what we create has real world impact, this is a case in point.

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the direction the country is taking (once again) is the most worrying thing.

Se può essere utile su GitHub abbiamo messo a disposizione (FREE) una app/chat :wink:
il link è PWK-GPT (seguire DEMO-01)


I actually never felt as desperate to discover something was an April fool’s joke as on April 1, 2023. But then I saw that news about the Lockdown 4.0 in Italy already spread a day before. History repeating, I thought. Like in 2020… Watch in horror about what happens in Italy, and soon enough, same situation in Germany. Except that this time, there is no proven enemy, no science proving a deadly threat - this time, it’s just a cognitive distortion, a moral panic, yeah even a German Angst spreading in Italy first. And it’s ridiculous at that, as people point out; it’s the equivalent of sending “only men between age 20 and 40” into lockdown, because they are panicked AND blind at the same time (Bing, API, etc.).

“That’s why knowledge is power, survival of the most knowledgeable”? That would be bad and unjust as-is, but I fear it’s worse. See recent incidents of a DNS provider (!!) judged guilty for copyright infringement as they wouldn’t take down a site that hosted a certain music video. It’s worse because it’s irrational and overreacting in absolutely random places due to ignorance and disregard for a broader meaning.

Personally, I am going to seriously consider emigration (albeit I am very aware of the many adverse consequences or at least risks thereof). Imagine a panicked EU AI ACT happening, a Lockdown 5.0 on a EU scale, AND a coincidental analog lockdown due to Avian Influenza. My worst nightmare, a digital / analog dual lockdown. In that case, I’m gonna be done for.

Let’s hope for the best. Fingers crossed for you fellow EU citizens in Italy, and fingers crossed for us all.

Look at this: there’s a meeting scheduled on April 5th between Garante Privacy and OpenAI. See this tweet from Garante:^google|twcamp^serp|twgr^tweet|twtr^true

OpenAI to offer remedies to resolve Italy’s ChatGPT ban

Our approach to AI safety

These were updated yesterday, don’t know what changed.
Included these because changes may be related to this topic.

How can I contact support about billing?
Why am I seeing duplicate charges?
Why is my Plus subscription not appearing?
How do I cancel my ChatGPT Plus subscription?
How do I request a refund?
Why was my credit card declined?
How do I submit a VAT exemption request?

What is ChatGPT?
What is ChatGPT Plus?
How do I resolve a billing issue?
How do I access plugins?
How can I access the ChatGPT API?

How can I use the ChatGPT API?


Open a LLC in the USA. Open an US bank account. Use VPN to connect to your companies network.
I am not a lawyer, but it seems like an unbreakable spell.


And we are back!


But are you able to subscribe to Plus? I keep getting the message card declined. It seems to me that there are many of us with the same problem.

@ooonea they never cancelled my subscription in the first place (even though they told me they did!), so I kept using it with opera.

Now they’re offering a month for free apparently. At the moment I’m not experiencing any problem.

Here’s the email I received this morning:

What card did you use for underwriting? I tried 3 different credit cicuits, tried 8 different browsers, with and without VPN, with and without adblock, deleted cookies, tried anonymous browsing.

This link includes a summary of the changes made.

Despite not having access to the site from Italy, most of the observed changes were noticeable to regular users.

Italy lifts ban on ChatGPT after data privacy improvements

Did you create another account with a phone number from another country?
I know there are people doing this.

I thought it got reopened in italy. Can you explain what the problem is?