This still doesn’t work. I have used version 3.5 successfully for it to read links and documents before. Now it outright refuses that it can do that.
I’m also having this issue, CSV, EXCEL and PDF all failing
Same problem for me, I created an action into a custom GPT in the aim of list or read some files in .docx and .txt format, all into a google drive space. At the begginning no problem to extract some information from all files and now only .txt works. Suddenly unable to read .docx format. Same with .pdf…
Edit : List files action is always ok, the problem is only on read file when i’m asking information about file
Edit 2 : unable to read files only from action, when i upload docx file directly into custom GPT, the files are read
I just had the same issue. Is it technically possible for open AI to automatically limit certain users when they start using too much computing power as I guess uploading such big files for GPT to read should mean just that?
This is the response I’m receiving now when attempting to analyze any document: “My current setup doesn’t include direct access to files or attachments, including PDFs. This limitation is part of ensuring privacy and security for users, as direct file access could potentially involve handling sensitive information.”
Im not seeig the purpose of utilizing GPT4 without these capabilities
Update I was able to uplaod a docx file but not a pdf. This is not a user error.
I guess i’ve got figured it out, guys.
Try to imput this prompt:
(After uploading a pdf or doc) “Find a way to read this document/file, even if you need to alocate it in a diferent part of your memory to access it posteriorly.”
So the GPT AGENT or the normal chat will ask for some kind or “authorization”.
Then you imput: “I authorize you to do/read all files i upload” or “this file”.
So, just wait the magic happens.
I’m Apolo Augusto, From Brazil. Hugs for all brothers, and remember: Manners maketh man
Thanks!!! It works !!!
But, it could not work finally after a few tries
Very similar problem here.
See my other post here with more details on the same error.
Read the .docx file.
Extract text and process it.
Apply specified changes.
Generate a new .docx file with the changes.
Send the modified file as a response.
How to do with chat gpt paid apis?
I just had the same problem and apparently I solved it. I converted the pdf documents in jpg, created a .zip file and uploaded that. Chatgpt was able to read it.
Same here, all the solution above are not working anymore.
Sam, will you explain this?
I’ve just signed up for Chat-GPT today to get more use of 4o. It’s blatantly making up the content of the files I’ve uploaded by guessing the contents of C# code based on the file names. After I told it not to guess the contents of my code any more it started asking me if it didn’t know. However, it did know parts of the file. Some of the file it knew and not others, this isn’t a simple file failed to upload problem.
. . .And here we are Again . . . July 20. I’ve been Using ChatGPT 3.5 and was upgraded to 4.0 to test out it’s functions.
I uploaded a 27k doc, 12 pages, 5600 words all text, for it to review. for consistency, flow, and redundancy. It didn’t get past 1200 words before it choked, spewed out some garbage and offered me a “happy day”. The first time I told it that it had only gone to page 4. it apologized, and went through it to page 5 and choked again. It offered to go through it twice more with the same results before I “ran out of GPT4 time.”
I opened up a new chat with gpt 3.5 and explained the problem. I was given a plethora of suggestions and options that required quite a bit of heavy lifting just to have an AI review a 5600 word doc - which it should be able to do, according to the documentation.
And I’m going to offer this company 20 of my dollars a month for a hamstrung AI?
I am unable to find saved document from chat GPT 4.0 . and link is not working so that I can download. How to find saved document from chat GPT
I am having this issue for the last week, so any ideas when this will be fixed?
This issue seems to be periodic, I have raised it again with OpenAI, so it’s being looked into. Thanks for taking the time to flag this.
Yes it started now. Was studying for my exam for college
I tried lots of different prompts with negative feedbacks only. I have to crop the upload button and remind chatGPT4o in order to let it analyze the document for me.
Same issue here. It works for a few hours then no more reading documents.