Can't save new prompt updates on API

since yesterday (Jan 21 2025) i can not edit or add new things to my prompt’s assistant through dashboard o playground. I hit the save button and no action happens. I can change the temperature or others.


Hm, saving chat presets and and updating assistants (which auto-save) in the Playground are working normally. Are you able to share exactly which page you’re referring to or share a screenshot (but make sure to redact any private info!).


i update my System instructions, press “save” and no changes are saved.
started assuming it was a me thing…but changed device and still have the same issue. And i really need to fix something in that prompt

Same issue here. The asisstant systems instructions do not get saved.

There’s no save button — when you update system instructions, it should auto-save (look at the bottom right of the screen). Do you see “Saving” and then a time stamp after you type in new instructions?


first… thanks…great… i’ve edited my instructions without expanding the container and saved…
now here’s the “bug”… the save button (down at the right corner) on this container it’s broken / not working.

Hm, which browser are you using? We can’t seem to reproduce this issue.

Chrome on a Mac and on iphone

I’ve also checked this and it seems to be functioning ok on my chrome.

Can you please try a different browser and/or try in Incognito Mode, I have a feeling some browser extension you have running is conflicting with the window.

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worked great till yesterday, did everything… i’m 2seg away of reinstall chrome. glad that is just a me problem and not general. let’s close this issue and i’ll deal with it

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Please comment back if you still have the issue and we’ll delve deeper.


Just tried it on my end now as well (iPhone + Chrome) and works fine.

Chatted with the team. If you want the expanded modal to “autosave” you can trigger it with “space + backspace”. But we’ll also look into improving this!


I can reproduce. If you carefully watch “updated 1/22, 2:49 PM” at the bottom, there is no save action to store the modified assistant system instructions simply by pressing save in the expanded pop-up for system message. Continuing to edit in that original text box also does not trigger an update event.

The “System instructions” input box must lose focus in order to send an API call to update an assistant.

A “save” button that allows one to make mistakes in the system instructions and back out, or decide specifically when to modify the stored assistant (which may have time investment) would be an expected pattern.

Not “CTRL-A”, “space”, “tab” in the input box, and your entire assistant is blasted from existence without recovery option.


Ok so it’s not actually saving unless you focus out of the text box!?

Looks like there is a similar problem on this thread: Assistants doesn't save new Instructions @_j @edwinarbus

EDIT: Can confirm it’s as @_j says, you need to focus out of the box before a POST request is sent with the updated instructions. This is very confusing because if you enlarge the system instruction text box, you will see a “Save” button, but clicking it has no affect - no request is sent to the API. It simply “saves it locally”, and then you have to focus out of the box for the POST to be sent.

I have the same error. Just clicking on a free space does not send a save. Found a solution! After editing, press the TAB key.

I can also reproduce the same. The Save button seems to make no API calls. Only focusing out / Tab key actually saves the instructions.

I am having this same issue

Wow, this seems to have worked!

Like @daniel.abadie, with the same start date of the inability to save, I too am on Chrome/PC and have been having the same exact issue, with two days of lost productivity time [i.e., no pay]. In the playground, for a selected assistant, in the System instructions, I have always used the arrowheads to open and edit in the pop out screen. After edits and clicking “save” versus “cancel”, this has always closed, spinning arrows indicate the save is underway, the date and time updates. This has not been the case for the last two days. This was the usual way of updating an Assitant’s system instructions. So, is there a fix underway; is there a workaround that permanently updates v. shadow ghosting updates [they don’t stick]; or is there some other sys config we need to change? Time is money and thanks for any support.