Cannot continue conversation with GPT-3.5 because of GPT-4o limit

Moving to Google AI, this is just too annoying.


Keep in mind that if you conversation is already using tools, there’s no way to undo that as far as i know, so the current fix is to start a new one and if your conversation is too long, search long prompt splitter on google, this website will help you break down your conversation in to parts, that way you can sent your previous conversation to a new one with the same context

It’s this icon in the lower right

i did what you suggested, disabled the memory, and it’s still limited after awhile.

You should disable memory, and tell ChatGPT not to use any tools. You can just tell it: don’t use memory, don’t browse the web, don’t use data analysis, and don’t make Dall-E images (those are the four common tools).

You could also just choose 3.5 from the dropdown for the whole conversation.

Same here. After 3 text messages only…

I´ll try to do that (for tools), but in my dashboard can´t choose 3.5 anymore… and, as the author of this topic said,


what this this post?
Does this post give an answer to our problem??? or just you posted something un-related?

SAME! what happened to gpt 3.5, i use it everytime

There’s a limit on how much you can use gpt-4o, as long as you don’t use any tools, you still be able to continue the chat after a cooldown

Hi there,
I will fix that soon but only for plus users.

I haven’t used any tool, but I still cannot continue with gpt-3.5.
I think to remember at one point there used to be a drop down menu where you could switch between 4o and 3.5, but I cannot find it now.

Things that seem to work for me: Just start a new chat, copy the last answer from ChatGPT in the previous chat like this: “ChatGPT, in a previous chat you said 'Indeed, Kate Mulgrew has had some memorable roles in television, including Captain Janeway in Star Trek: Voyager and Kate Columbo in Mrs. Columbo (later renamed Kate Loves a Mystery). She’s known for bringing depth and strength to her characters across different genres.” Could you clarify that? I think the plots and hard science references are better in STTNG than in STVOY.’ You can do the same to mix and match Google AI with ChatGPT, for example: ‘You said there is no such thing as the medication BRIUMVI. Google AI said “Briumvi (ublituximab-xiiy) is an approved antibody-based therapy used to reduce relapses and slow the development of brain lesions in people with relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis (MS). It is among the newest treatments for MS, having received approval in the U.S. at the end of 2022.” What is an “antibody-based therapy” in this context?’ ChatGPT 3.5 can reason about data within a single conversation thread. All you have to do is cut and paste data into your ChatGPT 3.5 session (you can do it more than once), and it retains context for the rest of the conversation. I’ll also ask ‘Are you GPT-3 or GPT-4?’ if I’m not sure who I’m talking to. Ask ChatGPT to explain ‘Attention Is All You Need’ and how ‘Attention’ works for a conversation across multiple prompts and responses. Request clarification for any jargon by asking for a glossary entry. Also ask about tokens.

Same issue here, and I cannot even chose to use GPT3.5 instead of that super limited 4o that I do not even asked for. Give us at least the option to chose the model by default, instead of defaulting to 4o and then not even being able to continue the same session with GPT3.5.

How can i solve the problem? .

Has anyone encountered a problem before?
Why is there no support or explanation for it?

:warning::warning::warning:By chance, I found the best solution: edit your last message and click “Send.” If you see the error “You’ve reached our limits of messages. Please try again later,” find the drop-down menu below the error and choose “ChatGPT-4o Mini.” This will allow you to generate a response as usual with ChatGPT 3.5.

Yes, It works on choosing “ChatGPT-4o Mini.” and allows you to generate a response as usual with ChatGPT 3.5. :heart:

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Hi, excuse me, even though I set GPT 4o Mini after a certain number of messages I get this message:

“You need GPT-4o to continue chatting because audio is in use. Your limit resets after hours”

What does it mean that audio is in use? Do I have to disable something?

You said:

i don’t want to ever receive this message from you, “You’ve hit the Free plan limit for GPT-4o.”. Can we avoid this message by only using GPT 3.5?

ChatGPT said:


Switching to GPT-3.5 might help you avoid that message, but it depends on your specific usage needs and how often you hit the usage limits. GPT-3.5 generally has lower limits compared to GPT-4. If you’re looking to avoid the limitations, using GPT-3.5 could be a good option, though it may come with trade-offs in terms of model capabilities and performance.

4o mini

You said:

how to i tell you to use 3.5 instead of 4o?

ChatGPT said:


Currently, the choice of which model to use is managed by the system, and you don’t have direct control over switching between GPT-3.5 and GPT-4. If you’re encountering limitations with GPT-4, the best approach is to contact support or check your account settings to see if there are options to adjust or manage your plan. They might be able to assist with model preferences or provide more information on usage limits.