BUG due to declined (but fixed) payment - Insufficient (Sufficient) Quota - openai.RateLimitError

I had issues with declined payments weeks ago, I have fixed it, but I am unable to use the API anymore.
Whenever I try to run my code I receive the openai.RateLimitError.

The payments have been set up, and the State on the Usage Page is Active for weeks now. I have checked the limits and there is no way I could have possibly crossed them as I have a conditional logic reserved just for that, playing extra safe - that works perfectly when I borrow the API key from my friend.
The thing I don’t get - is that the API key of my friend has smaller limits than mine - we have compared them at the table located on the website: https://platform.openai.com/account/limits

Due to this bug, I can’t experiment on the API as I would like to.

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I am having the same problem, Not sure how to resolved the problem

Probably the same issue here, waited a couple of hours and worked again. And I’ve added 50USD credits/balance to my account…