Astro & JSX scripts are empty

Provided code snippets from chatgpt are empty for JSX and Astro code.

The AI starts writing some comments then starts the code but once it comes to the component in my code it doesn’t show anything in my side although I can see the ChatGPT is still sending some text to my side because there is Stop Message button.

I have tried from Safari & Chrome and in multiple chats(both GPT-4 and 3.5), still seeing the issue here are some screenshot:

Here is the code snippet I sent to ChatGPT to edit:

import Layout from '~/layouts/PageLayout.astro';

import Header from '~/components/widgets/Header.astro';

import Hero2 from '~/components/widgets/Hero2.astro';
import CallToAction from '~/components/widgets/CallToAction.astro';
import Features3 from '~/components/widgets/Features3.astro';
import Features2 from '~/components/widgets/Features2.astro';

import Content from '~/components/widgets/Content.astro';
import Testimonials from '~/components/widgets/Testimonials.astro';
import FAQs from '~/components/widgets/FAQs.astro';
import Stats from '~/components/widgets/Stats.astro';
import BlogLatestPosts from '~/components/widgets/BlogLatestPosts.astro';
import Button from '~/components/ui/Button.astro';
import Image from '~/components/common/Image.astro';

const appStoreImg = '~/assets/images/app-store.png';
const appStoreDownloadLink = '';

const googlePlayImg = '~/assets/images/google-play.png';
const googlePlayDownloadLink = '';

const mockUpImg1 = '~/assets/images/mockup-1.png'
const mockUpImg2 = '~/assets/images/mockup-1.png'

const metadata = {
  title: 'Mobile App Homepage',

<Layout metadata={metadata}> ## Here is where ChatGPT Stuck
  <Fragment slot="announcement"></Fragment>
  <Fragment slot="header">
        { text: 'Services', href: '#' },
        { text: 'Features', href: '#' },
        { text: 'About', href: '#' },

... Other Astro content ...


add some effects to this page please```