Assistant API: Run failed We're currently processing too many requests - please try again later

Anyone else getting this? It’s working for friends but not for me on any of our orgs. Have access to the new gpt in chat completion…

First Check your API rate limit, and secondly confirm you have credits?

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check the rate limits. you migth have hit the rate limit which is 100 calls a day

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I’ve only made 42 GPT-4-1106-preview requests today. Got thousands of credits left…Is there a way to see the rate limits in the dashboard?

It is unlikely they would program the API to return “processing too many requests” if you were blocked for a rate limit…might be that there are too many requests.

yeah agreed…just seems odd 5+ of my friends are using it with no issues and I’m the only one running into this error.

I ponder and you can explore in your account limits: A new benefit of the tier system for select organizations?

I am getting this error, I have credits and never call success, have you resolved this issue?

Nope, still a problem. Other people in my org are fine.