I have invited a person as a team member of our organization, but I want to stop him now, how can I kick him off?
Press remove next to the organization team member.
But this person’s account is not listed in the team menu, and there isn’t a remove button either
If you sent an invite and it doesn’t show as “invited” etc, I don’t know of a way to cancel the invite.
Make sure you are looking at the correct organization. When you click your name button at the very bottom of the new bar, you can switch organizations where there might be a new “personal”.
Otherwise you have to contact OpenAI and say “your system failed me, ban this user from my organization!”
And what’s strange is, after he accepted my invitation, my original $50 Credit remaining also disappeared, but this amount can be seen in his account. I now want to remove him and get my Credit back.
So check all your organizations.
Also don’t invite someone else as “owner” - otherwise they can remove you and take the whole organization and billing details. Then they’d have to invite YOU.
Yes, unfortunately, I invited him as an Owner, and now he has been deactivated by OpenAI, so my original API keys have all become invalid.
Thank you for your suggestion, but it seems impossible to contact a real human customer service representative at OpenAI; they all appear to be robots.
You still can use API keys. You can go to the bottom of the API key screen and see if you have choice of organization. Another member doesn’t get your keys. They just get to bill their usage to your account.
However if you are not the owner - or you are just removed, you can’t see your own billing details.
If the organization was banned for violations, it won’t matter who was in control of it.
Yes, now that no one is in control of the organization, I just want to retrieve the remaining credits.