So, They key in the app was encrypted. All openAI APIs are https.
I have changed the keys twice, without any success.
Yes I controlled the limits, increasing it incrementally and testing/observing the usage Vs charges.
Was hard to imagine it would be any key theft issue in the beginign so was trying to find out issues/misuse in my own app and its monetization model.
changing keys and testing resulted in overcharges despite strict control on limits.
Eventually, I created a new account ,used a different Credit card and deposited 10$. used only two messages on OPENAI playgroud using 380 tokens and costed only 0.01$. So it all looked normal now.
Next day my 10$ were gone, 22 requests made and thousands of tokens shown to be used. Now this was not my app, I never used that account or its key in my app.
So eventually, I think its OPENAI side’s problem. They are not responding because they know they have a messed up security around keysa and tokens.