I guess somehow somebody guessed my API key as on June 8 i got a warning for reaching the hard limit (120$ default, without a soft limit email might i add). I keep my hard limit on 5$ but i forgot to change it in June as i wouldn’t use the Api that much anyways. I didn’t use it, my app has Api access under a secure paywall so i guessed the only way was for someone to guess my api key somehow.
Now the days of usage from my api have been moved to May (idk how or why?) and i have been charged for 147$ (even if the api usage writes 127). Nobody is responding at the OpenAi Help center even if i contacted them twice and its been 10 days. Money is tight right now and that 147$ could’ve really been used somewhere else.
Does anyone know how i can get to OpenAi team to resolve this?
I know this won’t help you but in general it might be a good practise to keep track of used tokens in your application and shut down the application when you reach a token limit (instead on relying on openai’s soft and hard limit).
This way you can at least be sure that your application did not cause it.
Yeah, in hindsight i should’ve done that too. But i store all conversations and have checked my entire database and have not found any conversation with more that 10 replies per user. Also the api was used for both completion and chat, when in my app i only have the text completion model.
Yeah, in hindsight i should’ve done that too. But i store all user-api conversations and have checked my entire database and have not found any conversation with more that 10 replies per user. Also the api was used for both completion and chat, when in my app i only have the text completion model.
How and where are you storing your API key? If you store the key as part of the application then it can be extracted with coding tools. Ideally it should reside on a server that your app authenticates with, this way there is no API key publicly exposed.
Yeah but they also revert the maximum usage back to 120$ every month, there should be a way to keep preferences to avoid unwanted charges like in my case. Because if they kept my max 5$ into the new month this wouldn’t have happened…
Same problem. I contacted them 4 weeks ago via their chat, they won’t respond. I thought they were fixing it because I recently noticed the charges rolled back on the Usage page, but today they charged me over $500. I’ve never dealt with a company that has billed me thousands of dollars but will not reply to fraudulent billing requests?
Yeah i literally thought the same when i saw the days of fraudulent charge were set back to the previous month. But today i also got charged. And nobody responds in the chat help center.
It’s not fraud to OpenAI if your API key made calls. It’s not their responsibility to connect your key with your personhood to make sure you’re the only one using it.
You probably pushed it accidentally to GitHub or something. Just deactivate it in the interface and set a lower billing limit. OpenAI gives you all the tools to secure your keys…
It doesn’t matter if it’s fraud or not, maybe unauthorized is a better word. The point is that I’ve never encountered a company that bills someone $500 a month yet doesn’t respond to support requests. This is unacceptable.
Weird thing is they usually charge me on the 2nd or 3rd, but they charged me today (17th) for an amount that doesn’t even equal what it shows in “usage” for May?
They give you an option to set a limit on your account. It sounds like you not only didn’t secure your key, but also didn’t set any account limit. That does suck, and I’m sure they’ll get to you when they have time, but you have to acknowledge that that’s a double fail on your part .
I did everything I could to secure the key, a guy I hired to help fix a few things leaked it. Everything happened on the same day we went live to beta testers, so it appeared to be normal traffic. But since OpenAI’s usage meter was down, things weren’t reporting in real-time, so it was tough to tell what was happening.