API access failed (showing cloudflare block page)

Друзья, я нашел выход - используем прокси.
Обновите библиотеку до последней версии и пропишите прокси в клиенте.
Для примера python sdk
Прокси берите тех стран, что в списке разрешенных опенаи

from openai import OpenAI
import httpx

client = OpenAI(

The same problem, anyone have solutions?

if you still have issue, then try set proxy server on the openai client code.
the proxy server should be in allowed countries and see if can be work or not

The same problem on a server located in Russia. Servers in the Netherlands and California that make requests with the same authorization key work fine

My chat bots stopped working on servers in Russia.

Please tell me how to do this?
Thank you.

Добрый день! Подскажите, добавляли ли вы хост API в вайтлист прокси-сервера?