AI SaaS platform, do you know where to download one?

I’ve seen SaaS platforms, aka AI wrappers, popping out left and right.

I’m wondering if you know a place where to download such a template?

I want to set up my own platform where I can set prompts and use the OpenAI API to play around with prompts.

If you’re talking about an interface to use AI models you can use the OpenAI playground:

Or you can try out open source solutions using HuggingFace

I have built this platform you could definetly play with it! It is an OpenAI wrapper to build chatbot.

Thanks! I meant more like a third party solution. I’ve explored playground already.

But perhaps there is a way how to take ‘playground’ outside so I can share with other users and such?

Ah. Okay.

There are many solutions online. I would highly recommend going through them all and picking whichever suits you best.