You don't have any API credits You'll need to set up billing before you can use the playground

I do have $9.89 credit on my account, however in playground > assistants I got this message: ‘You don’t have any API credits You’ll need to set up billing before you can use the playground.’ on the screen. I have a valid credit card and auto recharge is on. I was able to use it 3 days ago. I am being completely ignored by the support center. The weird thing is that I can use the API by making a request in my project, but I can’t use it in the playground. Can anyone please help me? Thank you.



I’d check the org/project on the playground maybe?

Same account?


Hello, yes I checked. I’m on the same account. Everything seems correct. Additionally, I am the owner of my organization.

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This is an interesting case. The page script must have a number of criteria that it checks before it makes the playground interface available.

This criteria must be data about your account that is communicated to the client side software that runs in the web browser. The data would be transferred between the javascript and the server, and appears to be clear text after the secure connection.

These are some of the keys that are in a URL for the subscription which is transferred. There are other inquiries made about an account also.

[‘object’, ‘has_payment_method’, ‘canceled’, ‘canceled_at’, ‘delinquent’, ‘access_until’, ‘soft_limit’, ‘hard_limit’, ‘system_hard_limit’, ‘soft_limit_usd’, ‘hard_limit_usd’, ‘system_hard_limit_usd’, ‘plan’, ‘primary’, ‘billing_mechanism’, ‘is_arrears_eligible’, ‘max_balance’, ‘auto_recharge_eligible’, ‘auto_recharge_enabled’, ‘auto_recharge_threshold’, ‘auto_recharge_to_balance’, ‘is_admin_extended_access’, ‘trust_tier’, ‘account_name’, ‘po_number’, ‘billing_email’, ‘tax_ids’, ‘billing_address’, ‘business_address’]

Some of those JSON field names seem like they would be obvious triggers to inspect, such as ‘has_payment_method’. Others could also act as a switch, such as billing_email, or ‘cancelled’.

Therefore, in your organization billing, I would attempt to make all of that information whole. Field that stand out include such as ensuring payment method and billing mechanism, a usage soft limit, all the business fields. If it was working, and it stopped, it may be that the site was just redesigned and this block is to avoid confusion and force new users to not just pay, but not to remove their cards or to fill out all the business information and verify a phone number by generating an API key.

This is just an idea, but it may help discover why you are affected without many other complaints here also, and gives you something to do on your own that the support center may not be fully aware of.

Same problem here. The playground was working some days ago and I have filled out all fields and have round about 50$ in my account. I’m still able to call models by api but not able to use the playground.

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I have the same probleme. I have 20$ credit on my account.

some body can help me ?


Same! Frustrating…
The api seems to be available, though.

Credits available: $7.24

The error message:

You don’t have any API credits
You’ll need to set up billing before you can use the playground.

The link redirects me to the billing page, where no problem is found.

Something interesting in happening:
I created a new project to make some tests and my user doesnt show up.

The help center is also completely unresponsive. It’s really surprising that this company doesn’t have an effective support center.

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Same here!
The api seems to be available, though.

Credits available: $9.72

The error message:

You don’t have any API credits
You’ll need to set up billing before you can use the playground.

The link redirects me to the billing page, where no problem is found.


OpenAI needs to turn off this new blocking of the Playground interface.

It doesn’t work right for many, because the payment system backend is continuously problem-ridden.

The playground does depend on the organization and project selected in the upper left of the web page – make sure you have selected one with funding and rights. Then complete all the billing details of your account.

A wait of several hours is often needed after a first payment, again, payment system backend procedure issues and a user interface that assures that credits are available regardless.


Having the same issue here.
Has anyone find a solution, or got a respoonse from openai support?

I have the same issue! Fix this! What a terrible support for people here. OpenAI clearly doesn’t prioritize customer issues. I guess they’ve got too much of our money already.

I was able to fix this by charging 5$ again :man_shrugging:


I was also able to fix this by charging 5$. What a terrible dark pattern.

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Apparently yes, by charging 5$ to your account you fix the problem! :melting_face: