Why Aren’t My Credit Grants Being Used? Paid Credits Charged Instead

Hey everyone,

I’m running into a bit of a head-scratcher with my OpenAI API usage and was hoping someone could help me out.

I have a bunch of credit grants available on my account (about $65 left from $69), and they’re all marked as Available and not expired. But for some reason, when I use the API, it’s charging my paid credits instead of using the grants. My current usage this month is $6.07, and I expected that to come out of the grant balance, but nope—it’s hitting my paid credits.

So, I’m wondering:

  1. Is there something I need to set up to make sure the grants are used first?
  2. Could this be a bug, or is there something I’m missing?
  3. Has anyone else seen this happen and figured out a fix?

I’d really appreciate any tips or insights. Thanks a ton in advance!


P.S.: Yes, I used gpt to imrpove my post text :smiley:

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Welcome back!

Might be because your paid ones expire first?


Thanks for your fast reply! :slight_smile: Could be the case tbh, but I cannot verify it (any idea how?) and shouldn`t it use the granted credits first?

It is a bit confusing, you should see some red entries that show expired
IMHO the total should go down when the grant has expired, but it does not so it leads to some confusion.


I have some expired credits when I first started with the API (see attached screenshot). What is really confusing that it says I have this +60$ in credits but not sure/able how to use them

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That’s the confusing bit, all of the expired grants don’t get removed from your $69 total, so it looks like you have more.

I will raise this with the OAI team and see what the position is, it is very confusing I’ll grant you.

The accurate balance remaining is the $3.93 I belive.


Yeah, might be cool to have a toggle for “Use Grant Credits or Paid Credits First”…


I “think” it does use the credits first, but if they expire, they just don’t get removed from that top most value.


How could we be sure that that behavior is what’s going to happen? I don’t want to disable my automatic funds to see if my credit grants are being used instead, because that might result in the scenario where we don’t have credits for our requests to be processed by openia.