Why am I seeing this error messsage (Usuage limit error)

Why am I getting this error message when my account has $10 left to use?

OpenAI: { “error”: { “code”: “billing_hard_limit_reached”, “message”: “Billing hard limit has been reached”, “param”: null, “type”: “invalid_request_error” } }


“Hard Limit”

You’ve encountered your own monthly limit set on your account or project.



Where do I see the english version that’s understandable? From what I can see it’s $120 but I’ve only used $5

$120 is a typical amount for the main organization as “usage limit”. A monthly limit set on an old account that has never had a tier system upgrade.

You would be looking at the text boxes for “budget limit” that you can fill in yourself at the link I provided.

The usage page also has a pie graph showing your monthly progress towards the limit you set for the whole organization. Also review the individual credit payments below that graphic for their current balance remaining and expiration date.

Besides that encompassing limit, when you create a named project with API keys specific to the project, you have a second place where you can set a monthly budget for the specific project that will cut it off.


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This is what I am seeing.


“Credit Grants” up to where your screenshot cuts off reflects the lifetime of your account. Just be sure that underneath that, you have a line item such as “available”, with a remaining balance such as $4.50/$10.00, and that the expiration is still in the future. I’m expecting that you do, because simply having no credit balance available to pay for services gives a different API error.

Here’s the next test.

Go to the playground site for “chat”. At upper left, pick your organization (likely there is only one organization, but their could be two, or you could be invited to more). Where I show XXXX-org. Ensure it is the one attached to your billing still (the one showing your unspent credit balance).

Then go to the dropdown of projects next to that, choose default project. (Do you have any others?)

See if you can talk to a chat AI like I show above. Same error, or working?

Then in that same dropdown with “default project”, select “Manage projects”. You will have an overview of projects, and their limits if you scroll to the right.

A default project doesn’t show a limit on the main project overview page, but when you pick project->limits at the very lower-left, you will see it still has the option of setting a limit there (thus with questionable efficacy).

If it is set, it will show the amount, and you can press “remove”, and then proceed through all projects to see if any of those are also set inappropriately.

If you can chat in the playground, ensure that you have a fresh API key from the same project that you are using in practice. Ensure you are not specifying another organization or project you are a member of in your API requests to bill to.

If you cannot resolve this, only “help” in the platform site can actually check your account for problems.