What "legal" page have to contain?

So, the question is in title (I mean "legal_info_url" in ai-plugin.json file) I literally have no any idea what it should contain. I’m just make a plugin as a hobby project, and want to upload it to the plugin store. May be is there any example “legal” page?

Ask chatgpt to create one? I think at least a way to contact you should be included and you should write if you want to take responsibility in case someone who uses your software loses money or life…

I understand the reasons why this section was added. And of course I will write (already did it) my real email to contact with me.I just do not undestand what exactly I have to place at “legal” page, cuz never did it before :slight_smile: Anyway, thx for advice :slight_smile:

You can look at other plugins as well. The .well-known is public and the terms are linked in there.

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Check out https://pugin.ai/ for all the AI JSON manifests! We got ours approved with just a really simple text page: Pugin - PuginAI


Good work! I saw your page in the log files when you showed the plugin logo.


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