What are best prompts for content marketing on LinkedIn?

I’ve gained experience in marketing events and products across Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. I’m eager to exchange ideas with you all—what are some of your most effective prompts? Let’s share and learn together! :sparkles:

Usually, I begin with the ChatGPT prompt by inquiring about the content structure of any events. :blush:

Generally, in this sort of situation, the person who,

and is,

would start out this good-faith sharing of ideas by… actually sharing some ideas.

Just an idea.


I don’t use Facebook, LinkedIn, or Instagram and have zero interest in marketing, so this isn’t the discussion for me. I’m simply suggesting that if you want to drive engagement on a topic beginning with something thought-provoking couldn’t hurt.


That’s a wonderful idea! I appreciate your feedback even though event marketing is not your area of interest. Usually, I begin with the ChatGPT prompt by inquiring about the content structure of any events. :blush:

Hi @rami.nguyen12 .
I have a custom GPT combined with some Breebs that can realistically assess how strong a person is in marketing in my area of interest for an initial interview and then a separate one for a more in-depth analysis, based in part on a multitude of uploaded literature. Another prompt is designed for a competent evaluation of the work done by a marketer, and there are many more things. In general, I’ve touched on the tools now that allow my brains not to be bamboozled by pseudo-experts.

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