We're tier 5 usage but don't have access to o1 models

Just curious. Can you see the o1 models in the playground? - we are Tier 5, but does still not have access to any of the o1 models (Sep 13th 11:00 CET)- neither in playground or in API. EU based

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No not yet, the API rollout will take time, could be a few days.

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no cannot see o1 in my playground either
if any OAI employee would like to take a look my OrgID: org-Pi2hJWLbXE1ziIpBLNolXVVi (Tier 5, region US)
I guess the rollout for o1 API access is still ongoing?


Just wanted to chime in here in case it is helpful. We can’t see the model in the playground, but are able to use it in an API call. This worked for an old API key and a new one.


yes indeed, able to access it via API eventhough it’s not in the list of available models for me anywhere.

>>> import openai
... openai.OpenAI().chat.completions.create(
...     model="o1-preview",
...     messages=[{"role": "user", "content": "hi!"}],
... )
ChatCompletion(id='chatcmpl-...', choices=[Choice(finish_reason='stop', index=0, logprobs=None, message=ChatCompletionMessage(content='Hello! How can I assist you today?', refusal=None, role='assistant', function_call=None, tool_calls=None))], created=..., model='o1-preview-2024-09-12', object='chat.completion', service_tier=None, system_fingerprint='...', usage=CompletionUsage(completion_tokens=341, prompt_tokens=9, total_tokens=350, completion_tokens_details=CompletionTokensDetails(reasoning_tokens=320)))

>>> [m for m in openai.OpenAI().models.list() if "o1" in m.id.lower()]


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What are results in playground when you use default project at upper left, where there are then no rights to block models by project? Project selection doesn’t change “o1-preview” availability for me, but a problem might be account, org, or project-specific.

You may need to do a browser hard refresh of the site after the project selection, because only the presets are re-requested when changing projects (even though they are per-user and never change).

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No change in the playground with project selection. Even created a new project and didn’t see it. Nothing in default either. I have done a few hard refreshes and logins/logouts. I can’t set the limits for these new models either.

Then that would seem to be a buggy bug that can be escalated to discover the problem affecting you but just in the platform site - especially your requirement to configure model rights.

Then for OpenAI to discover a solution that might be applied system-wide so nobody else has to complain to receive a fix.

@Foxalabs gets another org…

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Same here, o1s via API work fine but not in Playground. Interestingly, on the Usage:Cost and Usage:Activity pages I can’t see anything related to o1 at the project level (any project, even the one’s using them via api) but if I switch to the ‘Organization Overview’ then I see the activity and cost of o1-mini and o1-preview usage. (Tried creating a new project too, didn’t work.)

just upgraded my organization to tier 5, so this will mark how long it takes to get o1.

edit: I got it almost immediately.

This forum post helped so much! thank you all! :strawberry::strawberry::strawberry:

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Hi, how can we DM on here? Newbie here.

Really glad for you, @VB! I’m waiting my turn but December is now closer. But I already had myself more optimism about OpenIA goals - on my perceptions there was a significant change from “human-machine interactive” to some strongly focus on (big) corporative projects. I hope I’m wrong. Otherwise, any real potential of new historic revolution (as it seems like just some months) will be lost. But enjoy your confirmation and all the best for your Vision experiencie!

Hello, I am new here but my org was upgraded to Tier 5 and I would like access to the 01 models. How long does this take??

Rollout is continuing; we’ll email you directly once you have access. Tier 5 is almost done, then we’ll be moving on to tier 4.


Hi, could you please help me to get access to o1 model. We have Tier 5 and o1 model does not listed here. Thank you.

I am tier5 and still does not have an access to o1. Could you give the access to my org (org-YZiSPhkjiODyVDKSxliyCa8O) as well? I do need to use it within next 2 days. It is also fine to put some cost limit up to $300 or something like that…

Same here… I appreciate there has been a phased rollout, but I’d also appreciate if someone on the OAI team could DM to let me know approx ETA for tier 5 o1 access

waiting so long but still dont get access to o1 api, tier 5 user