Webpage of Usage Dashboard Goes Blank

Do not bother changing browsers/devices or cleaning the cache, as I found the problem is with my
account + the front-end of this webpage.

My friends’ accounts and another account of mine are never trapped with this issue, even with the same computer. If you must work with the dashboard, I guess you can sign up for a new account…

BTW I did not mean I’ve solved it. Actually, I can not use the dashboard by today; it just means we’ve found the reason but we can not solve it by ourselves.

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This is Firefox, using old session and code load:


A new Firefox instance on a new machine can’t even log in to the sie without a massive authentication error screen.

Report the browser, and what happens if you completely log out and back in again after closing browser or refresh.

(Microsoft: “Here’s 13 billion, start breaking other browsers, like our Edge-only chat”…)

I don’t understand, are you suggesting a possible solution? I tried accessing the dashboard with Firefox, but it doesn’t work to me.

I can’t log in at all with Firefox in a new private window or new PC, so consider yourself lucky. You’ll probably see more CORS policy error on the developer tools network log when reloading, as others have reported.

That’s what you are supposed to see.

edit: finally hit me also, Chromium developer build.

The problem was already reported here: Webpage of Usage Dashboard Goes Blank - API - OpenAI Developer Forum, but I thought about reopening it since that is labeled as solved, but the problem is still very much there to me, and shift+f5 won’t work, same as clearing the cache.

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should I consider the merge between this thread and mine as a sign that OpenAI isn’t interested in patching the bug?

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got the same issue on Arc browser,
can’t do anything on my side to fix it,
the ‘usage’ subpage works fine on my private account

I cancel the solution in case of any confusion.
Days ago I sent a message to OpenAI, but have not received their response.

This issue confuses me because I can not replicate it on any of my browsers Safari, Brave, etc. Yet I see this all the time.

seems that the issue is caused by the combination of the OpenAI’s webpage and your account.

Once I use another account this issue disappears automatically, with the same computer/network/browser.

so yes, even replicating this bug is also kind of unstable.

Is it a safety feature for protecting against creating new accounts to get new trial usage? I think that might be a possibility that they implemented a system and didn’t tell anyone.

I think I may have found a solution. My Usage goes blank if I attempt to go to a month where I did not use the API. Meaning that it might work on accounts that have already used there API but on other accounts that have never used there API before. Create a simple script to use the API and see if you can then see the Usage Dashboard.

thanks, but it doesn’t work for me, because the website immediately goes blank and I cannot find and click the month-changing button.

The startup of my account, the first time of usage (actually I’m still using the API even after this problem), and the occurrence of this issue are all in this September, so I think my issue is different with yours.

But thank you anyway, your solutions may help others.

I logged in for a first time with my google account, then I get this blank page with JavaScript error. I have no other accounts.

Thank you for that information @KorbinY did you sign up with a Google account?

Yes, what I’m referring to is the new account, and there is no trial usage for the newly registered
account. But it’s not a google account; I registered with my email.

So all I use is the credits paid by myself

So, it works for your original account, but not the second account you signed up for recently? Maybe they see you coming in on the same IP / browser footprint with two accounts? I’m not entirely sure it’s against ToS to have more than one account, but my feeling is that it would be - to prevent people signing up for multiple accounts for free trials, etc (in the past…)

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Yes, it may be one cause. But my previous Google account never used API with the trial usage (already expired). I merely used it for ChatGpt.
Then when I began to use API, I registered the new account without any trial usage.

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Right. I’m just guessing that it’s the fact you have two accounts, not when you used them or set them up. Might be something OpenAI started doing recently to cut down on people signing up for more than one account to get past the rate limits moreso than the free trial credits now… IF everyone signed up for multiple accounts to get past rate limits, it would be a race to the bottom. Not saying you’re doing this, but it might be why they’re stopping people from using multiple accounts…

It is not against TOS to have more than one account mostly due to people having work and personal accounts.