Warning: The message you submitted was too long, please reload the conversation and submit something shorter

Don’t waste your time, switch to another company. After a lot of unproductive communication with support, I finally received no response, and they just kept saying that ‘your issue is being investigated.’ The interesting part is that no reason has been given for the issue, and without any prior notice, they canceled access to the Plus version features. I really have no idea what the reason might be, but one possibility could be the use of a VPN; I always used a VPN to access ChatGPT, though with a fixed and dedicated IP. The confusing part is why the Android app version still works fine, and this restriction is only applied to the web version!?

Anyway, I’ve switched to Claude since yesterday! Although I’ve been hurt by unfinished projects in the process, I just couldn’t wait any longer.

Claude is not workingfor me (no acces to the internet) ill use always a vpn, i hate the 1984 control they are trying to force up to us. the internet is DEAD

Was this resolved? I have been submitting lengthy articles to be summarized without issue, and now all of a sudden I’m getting the “The message you submitted was too long, please reload the conversation and submit something shorter.”.