Updates pending and prompts broken

Hi All,

It’s happened again!

My CustomGPTs are sitting there with “updates pending” message, and when they do actually update, the logic is completely broken.
Anyone else experiencing this right now?

Just started this morning (in AUS).

EDIT: On a fairly regular basis - once a month I would estimate, the CustomGPT builder starts refusing to process updates. I often use the knowledge base for instructions as I regularly exceed the 8000 characters - this has always worked really well, and still does now: but…

What usually happens is that I will go to add a new knowledge base file with some instructions, and the “Updates Pending” message will remain after I hit the “Update button”. What then happens is for a period of about a week, I will not be able to modify or update any of my existing GPTs, or create any new ones that use any knowledge base files. Not only will it not upload any new files, but the logic on the existing files breaks, and will not work again until this issue resolves (which seems to just happen eventually).

Almost invariably, if I remove all files it will update. Then as I add the files back it will allow 1 file, maybe 2 before the “updates Pending” issue returns. Each time I successfully add a new file, I test to ensure the instructions work - which they do, until the “updates pending” message appears. Then all instructions “including the previously successfully uploaded ones” stop working.

Anyone else experiencing this?


I am having a similar issue. All of a sudden, I see updates pending and it won’t go away. I can give it additional instructions, and it says it is incorporating them, but they don’t exist in the preview model.

Yep, my situation is worse as I get an error message now when I upload anything except text via the editor. I’ve been in Updates Pending status for weeks. What’s frustrating is that the Create process works fine both in terms of uploading, interpreting, etc everything I provide but it never makes to the Preview, even when I instruct GPT to update directly.

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