Unable to Open ChatGPT on Web | 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable Right now

Hey, I keep getting this error code. I’ve even tried refreshing and restarting my laptop. Switched to a different wifi. Does anyone know whats going on or is anyone getting the same issue?

Also getting this: Bad gateway

The web server reported a bad gateway error.


Me too. Who can help me to solve it.

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unfortunately the same here

Everyone is experiencing the same thing meaning the issue is with openai’s servers just give it time and it should be back up

Me too. Same problem- bad gateaway

Same with me but only on browsers. Android app works fine.


Me too, same problem - bad gateaway

Follow this link to see chatGPT status:
:link: OpenAI Status - Incident History

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I have the same problem. The page reports a 503 error or Bad gateway

It seems like its back! :crossed_fingers:

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I have the same problem. The page report bad gateway

I also Have the same problem

Seems to be working now guys

Still not working here. I need “My Guy” to help me with my work. Hope that they sort it out quickly!

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Still not working for me.

actually still not working…not sure whats going on

MEE TOO 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable


I’m getting similar errors. I suspect that it’s because everyone’s hammering the login server at the same time. After a reboot and several refreshes I am getting a login prompt, but it’s taking forever to actually allow me to login now.

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Me too. Same problem- bad gateaway and # 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable, 23-01- 2025