Unable to load chat error. Anyone else experiencing the same issue today?

I’m getting this error today, in the last 5 mins. Anyone else getting this error too?

“Unable to load conversation 679bd232-2f4c-800a-a86d-67e1c3161382”. It’s been working fine for me for the past few days and now I get this error. Let me know if anyone else is experiencing this at all today or not. Maybe too many users at once?


Same, must be an unreported outage.

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Are these errors generally tied to outages?

same issue but now I am also seeing too many concurrent requests. I am not making too many requests. It’s broken.

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Don’t think you’re the only one. I keep gettin’ the same message sayin’ the server’s having issues. Followed with the error code “90a64cee2fb2e533-TXL.”

Same problem. In the last 10-15 mins :frowning:

Same issues here in NZ. Started around 20m ago.

Same, even now its not fixed and message won’t go through… It display the text too many concurrent issues